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Neglect, Not Age, Leads to Tooth Loss

It is believed that as you get older you’ll lose some of your teeth since you have probably lost some, since older people have bridges, dentures or implants to replace missing teeth and hence it may seem obvious that tooth loss is just another part of aging.

That is a myth. The fact is – It Isnt.

Just as taking care of your body can keep you active, taking care of your teeth can ensure that you keep them. If your teeth and gums are healthy, there’s no reason for you to lose your teeth.

Regular Dental Visits play an Important part : 

One of the keys to keeping teeth for a lifetime is to visit a dentist regularly. But many older people don’t.

Many older people grew up during a time when preventive dental care was not a concern and some may not realize how important it is. They may believe that toothaches, bleeding gums, loose teeth or mouth pain are just part of getting older. In fact, these can be signs of gum disease, or other problems.

Regular dental checkups and professional cleanings are important.

A lack of dental visit can result in untreated tooth decay and gum disease. Both of these can lead to lost teeth. Missing teeth, toothache or mouth pain also can change how and what you eat. This means you may not get the nutrients you need to stay healthy.

Visiting the dentist is especially important for older people because they may have other medical conditions. These conditions can create dental problems. Hundreds of medicines can cause side effects in your mouth. Some of these, such as dry mouth, can increase the risk of tooth decay or other oral health problems.

Saliva is a natural cavity-fighter. It neutralizes acids produced by bacteria that can cause tooth decay. Saliva helps wash away food and bacteria. It also contains minerals that strengthen teeth. Dry mouth reduces saliva. This makes you more vulnerable to cavities. Dentists can treat dry mouth. They also can prescribe fluoride rinses or gels to help keep teeth strong.

Older people are more likely to get cavities for other reasons, too. Receding gums can allow acids to get to the roots of teeth and cause cavities. Older fillings can break down. This leaves teeth susceptible to decay.

Dental Visits Are for Everyone

People who have lost all of their teeth often think they don’t need to visit the dentist anymore. But most people without teeth have dentures. Regular dental visits will help to keep dentures in good condition and fitting properly. The bone under your gums changes over time. Dentures that fit fine at one visit may need to be replaced or altered at the next visit.

Oral cancer also affects older people, whether or not they have teeth. Each year, about 8,000 Americans die of oral cancer. More than half of these deaths are in people 65 or older. Smoking and alcohol use also increase the risk of oral cancer. If oral cancer is detected early, it can be treated successfully. Avoiding the dentist makes early detection less likely.

What Else Can You Do?

Brushing and flossing are as important as ever for older people. To keep teeth and gums healthy, brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Floss once a day.

Some older people may have trouble handling a toothbrush or floss because of arthritis, a disability or an illness. Special toothbrushes and floss holders are available. They have been adapted to be easier to hold. Sometimes, an electric toothbrush helps. Your dentist or dental hygienist can help you find alternatives to make the job easier.

Cost of Full Mouth Dental Implants in Vadodara India

A Complete Guide to Dental Treatment in India with Prices


Mr. Matt Howard from London, UK saved thousands on the cost of full mouth dental implants in India, the procedure was performed by Dr. Preay Mehta.
This guide gives you complete understanding of every aspect of the cost of full mouth dental implants in India and the US along with other vital information.best-dentist-vadodara

Do you have that confidence with your existing set of teeth? A visit for full mouth dental implants in India or permanent teeth in 3 days can be the end goal of your hunt for confidence. And it's worth it!

If you explore the cost of full mouth dental implants in India you can save $5K to $15K. In some cases, the patients have even saved as much as $20K to $50K on dental work in India prices.

Save $20K to $50K !!! How and why is it so?

Well, to put it simply, there are a lot of factors concerning the cost of full mouth dental implants. While trying to understand the cost implications of full mouth dental implant cost in India, one ends up with the following questions:

+ What is the difference in the cost of full mouth dental implant in India vs US?
+ What are the different types and procedures of full mouth dental implants?
+ How is the cost estimation done for full mouth dental implants?
+ Despite the huge travel cost, can I save something on the cost of full mouth dental implant in India?

Technically, a full mouth dental implant procedure replaces the entire set of teeth from your upper jaw and lower jaw. A set of implants are anchored and Teeth prosthesis are fixed to bring back your strong natural look of teeth.


Single Tooth Implant (per tooth) $350 - $700 $1,850
Single Tooth Implant with Crown (per tooth) $400 - $900 $4,100
Implant Dentures with 4 dental implants per arch $1,750 $17,250
Implant Dentures with 8 dental implants full mouth $3,500 $34,500
All on 4 with 4 dental implants per arch $4500 $24,300
All on 4 with 8 dental implants full mouth $9,000 $48,600
All on 8 with 8 dental implants per arch $6,400 - $8,250 $35,900
All on 8 with 16 dental implants full mouth $12,800 - $16,500 $71,800
Permanent teeth in 3 days(TM) with 10 to12 dental implants per arch $7,800 - $9,400 ---
Permanent teeth in 3 days(TM) with 22 dental implants full mouth $17,200 ---


Certain factors including the process, product quality, product quantity and the required time frame determine the dental work in India prices. In the case of full mouth dental implant in India, below are those contributing factors.



Check whether you need multiple tooth extractions, bone graft or sinus lift

Extractions: Many patients require the extraction of their existing damaged permanent teeth which adds up to the cost of dental implants in India. Typically, the extractions cost between $50-$100, which slightly adds to the overall dental implant package. 

Bone Grafting: The implants are firm and lasting when you have a good jaw bone. However, with specific body conditions and aging, certain bone loss is obvious. With dentures, jaw bones become thin and weak requiring bone grafting.The average bone grafting cost in the USA is approximately $1,500 for full mouth implants. Fortunately, with the use of basal implants and pterygoid implants in Permanent teeth in 3 days(TM), there is no need for bone graft, sinus lift or extensive procedures like block grafting. Basal implants bring down the cost and reduce time factor significantly. 

IV Sedation: Basal implants are flapless and self-tapping. This reduces surgical time drastically. Sedation by administering pills is quite adequate. 

Extra Procedures: Below mentioned is the summary of extra cost incurred during full mouth dental implant in India and US.


How to avoid Tooth Pain and manage Dental problems at home during Corona Virus – Dentist in Vadodara

Dental emergencies can happen at the worst of times, and can be very distressing. With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide pandemic, dental pain and emergencies can be all the more alarming for patients.

Our Principal Dentist -  Dr Preay Mehta has put together some tips and advice, to give you a better understanding of what a dental emergency is, and how to deal with them in case you can’t come in to see our Dental Clinic in Vadodara, India. We want to assure you that we will still be available to provide an emergency dental service for our patients, as we understand that emergencies will continue to happen over the next few months irrespective of viruses but we hope this blog will provide some helpful information.

This post is very much a guide and every patient’s case is different so if you have any concerns or are unsure, please call the clinic on +91-9537973737 or email drpreay@gmail.com to speak to a dental professional.

Here are a few things you can try to help manage pain from teeth, gums, ulcers and/or broken teeth until you can see us:

​How to manage pain from teeth while self-isolating?

  • Anti-inflammatory tablets (NSAIDs)

Anti-inflammatory tablets (NSAIDs) can reduce the sensitivity. A combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol has been found to be beneficial if you can take them both. However, there are some reports that Ibuprofen may increase the symptoms of COVID-19 so Paracetamol alone is probably best if you have symptoms. Make sure you don't exceed the recommended dosage.

Tip: Don't stop taking the anti-inflammatory when the pain stops (or it will come back again)​.

  • Desensitising toothpaste

Desensitising toothpaste ​such as Sensodyne repair and protect or Colgate sensitive pro relief can help.

  • Anaesthetic gel

Anaesthetic gel such as Orajel applied to the area can help to numb the pain.

  • Clove Oil

This essential oil can be found in health food stores and you can apply it onto the painful tooth with a cotton bud. This works well if there is an exposed nerve due to deep decay but for it to work, you need to place it onto the exposed nerve​.

  • Keep your head elevated

Keep your head elevated at night when you lie down to go to sleep, the blood pressure in the tooth can increase which increases pain. An extra pillow can help keep your head elevated when you sleep.

  • ​ Saltwater Rinse

Saltwater works to reduce dental bacteria by creating an acidic environment as you swish it around your mouth. It can also help to dislodge bits of stuck food that may be causing pain, helping with managing tooth pain.

  • Cold Compress

Sometimes tooth pain can lead to swelling. A cold compress can help reduce your swollen face and can also offer some temporary pain relief. It is especially effective when you have a chipped tooth or one that was knocked loose. However, if red gums and a fever accompany the pain, there may be an infection, and you should immediately get to a dentist.

Tip: Never put heat externally on your face as this can draw the ​infection into the tissues in your face causing external swellings.

How to manage pain from gums while self-isolating?

If there is bacteria or food debris trapped between the gum and the tooth, this can cause pain.

  • Clean the area

Thoroughly clean the area with floss or a te-pe interdental brush​. You could put corsodyl gel onto the brush to help clean the area.

  • Rinse thoroughly

Rinse thoroughly with Corsodyl mouthwash can help (but Corsodyl will stain your teeth so we don’t recommend this for long term use).

Worried about your gum health?

Corsodyl have created an online gum health test, so you can access your gum health from your home.

How to manage pain from ulcers while self-isolating?

Mouth ulcers can be a sign of underlying medical conditions such as iron deficiency so shouldn't be ignored. Any mouth ulcer which doesn't heal in two weeks should be checked by a dentist.

To reduce the discomfort, you can try:

  • Anaesthetic gel such as Orajel, Dologel CT or Bonjela 

To help with healing of ulcers, you can try:

  •  Gumex Gel can be effective as well as soothing the pain

How to manage pain from broken teeth while self-isolating?

If a tooth or filling has chipped or cracked, this can cause sensitivity from the tooth being exposed or pain to your tongue from sharp edges.

  • de-sensitising toothpaste

The sensitivity can be reduced by rubbing a de-sensitising toothpaste onto the tooth or placing a temporary filling material over the broken corner until a more definitive filling can be placed.

What is deemed a dental emergency?

If you have signs and symptoms of an acute infection such as:

  • facial swelling
  • trouble breathing
  • trouble swallowing
  • swelling around your eyes
  • suffered trauma and are bleeding from a broken or missing tooth

This requires urgent professional attention.

Our practices will continue to stay open for Dental Emergency only as per advice from the Indian Government and Indian Dental Association.
If you have symptoms of Coronavirus please ensure you let the receptionist know when you call.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends rescheduling:

  • Routine cleanings
  • Routine exams for braces
  • Treatment of cavities that aren't painful
  • Removal of teeth that aren't painful
  • Tooth whitening
  • Dental Implants with all safety protocols

Even during this outbreak, it's important to maintain good oral hygiene habits. Keep your smile healthy by:

  • Brushing twice a day and flossing daily
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Limiting sugary foods and keeping a balanced diet
  • Avoiding alcohol and tobacco
  • Replacing your toothbrush when bristles are worn or frayed or after an illness

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Dental Care Covid

Dental Care & Dental Treatment in Vadodara during Corona Virus Pandemic : COVID-19 Dental Update

We hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. Our community has been through a lot over the last few months, and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal habits and routines. While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to your safety.

You may see some changes when it is time for your next appointment. We made these changes to help protect our patients and staff. For example:

  • Our clinic will communicate with you beforehand to ask some screening questions. You’ll be asked those same questions again when you are in the clinic.
  • We have hand sanitizer that we will ask you to use when you enter the clinic. You will also find some in the reception area and other places in the clinic for you to use as needed.
  • You may see that our waiting room will no longer offer magazines, children’s toys and so forth, since those items are difficult to clean and disinfect.
  • Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients. That might mean that you’re offered fewer options for scheduling your appointment.
  • We will do our best to allow greater time between patients to reduce waiting times for you, as well as to reduce the number of patients in the reception area at any one time.
 Infection control has always been a top priority for our practice and you may have seen this during your visits to our office. Our infection control processes are made so that when you receive care, it’s both safe and comfortable.

We look forward to seeing you again and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we take to keep you, and every patient, safe in our practice.

Thank you for being our patient. We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming back our patients, neighbors and friends.

Sincerely :


Dental Spa Vadodara.


Book Online Appointment on www.drpreays.com

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new pain free dentistry

Whats New in Pain Free Dentistry ?

Dentists have been leaders in the field of anesthesia since the 1800s. In 1846, Dr. William Morton was the first doctor to extract a tooth using ether as a general anesthetic. Since then, anesthesia has come a long way. Before general anesthesia existed, people would routinely undergo surgery until they lost consciousness from the pain. Happily, today's methods of anesthesia are very effective.

Local anesthesia is the most common form of anesthesia used in dentistry. For many procedures, the dentist injects a local anesthetic into the area that needs to be numbed. This is called an infiltration injection. Sometimes the injection is done to numb a large area, away from where the injection is given. This is called regional anesthesia or a "block."

Some research has focused on giving local anesthetics without needles. These systems aren't popular yet, but they are promising. One system consists of a patch applied to the gum. The patch contains a local anesthetic. The drug enters the skin directly. After the patch is removed, a dentist can give a virtually painless injection at that spot or perform certain dental procedures without having to give an injection. This can be useful for a small filling or a deep cleaning of the gums.

Occasionally, people will not get numb after receiving the usual injection of local anesthetic. Instead, they can receive another type of shot. This is called an intra-osseous injection. A tiny drill makes a hole in the gum. Then, a needle is inserted into the jawbone. Anesthetic is injected into the bone.

This type of anesthesia is somewhat uncomfortable to receive. It is not commonly used. It is typically used in the lower jaw. It might not numb the gum tissue well enough to be used for removing teeth, but it can be used for fillings and root canals.

THE MAGIC WAND : Latest Painfree injection method is known as "the wand." It uses a computer-controlled delivery system. The source of most discomfort from local anesthesia injections is not the needle. It is the flow of the anesthetic into the tissues of the mouth. The wand controls the flow. This allows the correct amount of anesthetic to be delivered at a painless rate.

The wand does not look like a a needle at all, but just like a pen. It is a great method to deliver Painfree injections.

Ask YOUR DENTIST if he is a Pain-Free Magic Wand Dentist !!

SEDATION : Besides local anesthesia, various medicines may be used to reduce anxiety. This is commonly called conscious sedation. It is useful for people who are fearful or anxious. Sedative drugs may reduce anxiety and fear so that people can have dental treatment. They also can cause short-term memory loss, so people don't remember most of the procedure.

Sedatives come in various forms. Nitrous oxide is an odorless gas (commonly called "laughing gas"). Some sedatives may come in pill or liquid form. Others are intravenous medicines, meaning they are injected into a vein.

Dentists who provide sedation to their patients must be specially trained. They must have specific types of training and experience in order to provide different types and levels of sedation. Almost every state has laws and rules about this.

Oral and maxillo-facial surgeons learn to provide sedation, up to and including general anesthesia, as part of their hospital training. Dental anesthesiologists also receive this training. They are dentists who have completed a two-year residency in anesthesia. Some general dentists learn about sedation as part of their hospital training. Others take courses in sedation after they graduate from dental school.

Most dentists are not trained in sedation. Ask your dentist about his or her training and experience in sedation and anesthesia.


Lost your Teeth ? Planning for Dental Implants

Dental Implants Tips & Guide

Dental implants are incredibly comfortable and enduring, lasting upto a lifetime. Most dental implants are made from Titanium ( High Medical grade ) while Some dental implants are made from zirconia.

As a consequence of demonstrated durability, implants supply a permanent remedy to tooth loss.

If you prefer to have implants or if you prefer to determine what other alternatives modern dentistry offers, then you need to speak & Consult with Our experienced Dental surgeon to learn if they are the right treatment option for you.

Once Implants are placed in your jaw bone, Ceramic or Zirconia teeth are fixed on top of it with attachments. It gives a completely natural look & Feel

After some time, you will even forget that you have implants. Following that, you should start eating with your new implants at once. With the correct care, dental implants can persist for a lifetime.

Dentures are set on the top portion of the jaw. Fortunately,Dental implants do not have this problem.

Dental implants have turned into a favorite alternative to dentures in the past few decades. Well, do not worry as they are here to help you out and give you a beautiful and attractive smile once again. You don't need to be concerned about that even when you are trying to get dental implants as the effect of a traumatic facial injury.

The only means to discover for sure if you're appropriate for teeth implant treatment is to talk to an extremely experienced dental implantologist who can conduct a comprehensive evaluation, before giving you a definitive answer. If you are getting your teeth replaced, not only are you going to look better (normal), but also you're likely to enjoy a feeling of renewed self-confidence.

Many people can't afford a teeth implant, but there are in fact inexpensive solutions if you consider India for Dental implant treatments.

It has been suggested they move your teeth faster than other types of braces. It is possible to even floss, and you're encouraged to floss these teeth. It is not difficult to suppose that teeth aren't as delicate as other areas of the body. Your implant-restored tooth won't ever have cavities.

Implants are good choice to rectify these ailments. Therefore, immediate implants are an ideal selection. They use a pioneering method to allow teeth to be replaced straight away in just one surgery. Immediate dental implants have created the notion of getting dental implants much more agreeable to quite a few people.

Dental teeth implants are pain-free as experts suggest. Dental implants are inclined to be stronger and stronger than the other two restorative alternatives. They are one of the latest procedures being used in full mouth reconstruction. They can be the perfect solution for missing teeth. They are meant to enhance your smile and helps in regaining that lost confidence. So in these scenarios you have to find dental implants. You may have either one or multiple dental implants, based on your situation.

To boost efficacy of both of the other methods, implants might be used together with them. Your implants supply you with freedom from such troubles. Overall, they can improve your self esteem considerably. Subperiosteal implants are perfect for men and women who don't have an acceptable bone tissue. They make up a metal frame that is installed on top of the jaw bone below the gums.

Unlike dentures, implants aren't removable. After the full procedure is done, the implants will be fully functional and look just like natural teeth. Dental implants are the ideal treatment that's being offered by different dental clinics in your local and several other cities. They can be great for you and to others who are considering this option. Being a real sort of endosseous implant, transosseous dental implants need to be surgically placed into the jawbone.

Implants aren't only for missing teeth.

With respect to comfort and convenience, implants are just far ahead than every other prosthetics or Dentures on the market. Dental implants are the perfect method to counter tooth loss. Implant dental offices & Dental Clinics most often provide financing options or easier way to pay for your dental implants over time. In addition, there are the dental implants that are increasingly becoming popular throughout the world.

Implants can supply you with new teeth to last for several years. They are basically simulated devices meant to impersonate the functions of real body parts. Dental implants are one of the costliest dental procedures in the world today but Implant treatment costs are quite very affordable in India. They are one of the options for replacing missing teeth. You can view more info at http://drpreays.com/dental-implants.

Once the implant is accomplished you should take appropriate care of your dental wellness and see your dentist regularly. Dental implants have gradually developed into the most wanted corrective procedure in this region and for many great reasons.

Book your Dental Implant Consultation with Dental Spa located in Vadodara,Gujarat,India today to know all the benefits & see how they can transform your Life !!

Contact us for all family dental treatments today at : +91-9537973737 or Book Your Online Appointment now  - www.drpreays.com/BookAppointment

Book Online Dental Consultation with Dentist in Vadodara

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It is important to maintain good oral and dental health to maintain a gorgeous smile. With proper dental care like cleaning, brushing, flossing, and adopting good eating habits people can easily maintain good oral health and avoid various dental problems. But unfortunately, there are numerous people who suffer from one or the other kinds of dental problems. Dental health is vital as any dental problem can affect the day to day activities of a person. One can get rid of the dental issues through regular checkups from the dentist. It is always best to consult a doctor, as depending on the dental health of a person they can suggest the needed and better treatment for the dental ailment.

In this digital world, with the advancement in technology, it is really easy for the people to get the Online Dentist Consultation accessible from anytime and anywhere. The online dentist consultation is the optimal solution for people who do not find enough time to visit the dentist personally and seek quality treatment. People simply need to enter their details and the dental concerns in detail and the dentists will advise the most suitable treatment or medication. They maintain the full confidentiality of the patient and give the best treatment and dental care advice. Whether one is suffering from gum disease (periodontal disease) or bleeding gums or failing teeth or a toothache or missing teeth, one can ask an online dentist.

The Book online dentist consultation is a beneficial service for the people as it is easy to get the experts opinion and helps people save time. Also gives people the chance to get the second opinion from the experienced dentists. So do not wait and just visit our renowned and trusted Online Dental portal where one can get all the answers and quality treatment for all your Dental problems & ailments.


Say Goodbye to Painful Dental Needles !!

Welcome to Digitally Advanced Dentistry in the 21st century”

Latest painless Dental Technology and Advanced Gadgets for Easing Dental Fears

 Painless dentist—


Are you Scared of Big needles used by the Dentist ? Needle phobia ? Scared to approach a Dentist for the same reasons ??

Look no further. Here we introduce the latest in Painfree Dental Technology in Vadodara - MEGAGEN MEG INJECT from Korea. It is the best and the only Painfree device in the world developed to deliver Painfree dental anesthesia.

Portable and handy touch screen device, looks like a smart gadget - but does the work magically and efficiently. It delivers dental anesthesia in a painless way with controlled injection flow rate

Only At Dental Spa, Dental Clinic Vadodara, Gujarat , India.

Dental Spa Clinic has all of the new and the latest advancements in technology all under one roof which results in unparalleled patient care treatment , comparable with International Standards.

  • Fully Automated Dental Chairs
  • Diagnostic Units
  • Patient Care & Comfort
  • Sterilization Equipment
  • Treatment Technology
  • iPad's mounted on all Dental Chairs

Visit the best and Painless Dental clinic in Vadodara today to feel the difference. Call 9537973737 for more info.

Diet and Oral health

Eating right is especially important for older people. That’s because poor nutrition can contribute to a decline in health. People in poor health are less likely to eat well. So are people with mouth or teeth problems. A vicious circle can result. This can have serious health consequences. Older people who live in nursing homes may be at a particular risk of developing vitamin deficiencies. They also may have more oral health problems.

People who wear dentures may not be able to chew well. They may lean toward soft diets. These diets often contain a lot of carbohydrates and not much nutrition.

Oral Concerns of Older Adults

Many older adults have mouth or teeth problems that make them less likely to consume a healthy diet.

Physical factors include:

  • Changes in chewing ability
  • Dry mouth (usually a side effect of medicine)
  • Changes in taste and smell
  • Slowing of metabolism and activity level
  • Reduction in nutrient absorption (sometimes caused by medicine)
  • Changes in eyesight and hearing
  • Physical disabilities
  • Untreated tooth decay
  • Loose teeth
  • Missing teeth that haven’t been replaced with bridges, dentures or implants
  • Ill-fitting bridges or dentures

Regular dental care can improve or prevent many of these problems. However, many older people do not visit a dentist regularly.

Other Reasons for a Poor Diet

Many seniors lead a healthy, active life. Others may be isolated or lack the resources to live well. These problems can lead to a poor diet, which can cause physical problems. Factors that increase the risk of a poor diet include:

  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Depression
  • Low income
  • Changes in living arrangements
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Drug/nutrient interactions
  • Improper use of nutritional supplements

Eating a Healthy Diet

Here are some suggestions to help you eat an adequate diet even if you are having health problems.

If you have problems chewing, you can:

  • Chop, grind or puree meats.
  • Use canned, sugar-free fruits and vegetables.
  • Cook fresh vegetables to make them softer.
  • Eat softer breads and pasta.

If you have dry mouth, you can:

  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Suck on sugarless candies.
  • Talk to your dentist or doctor about saliva supplements.
  • Ask your doctor if you can use another medicine that may not cause dry mouth.

If you have a diminished or altered sense of taste, you can:

  • Add spices to your food.
  • Try flavored dairy products (such as yogurt).
  • Eat whole-grain breads and raw vegetables (they have more flavor).

If you have arthritis or a physical disability, you can:

  • Eat plenty of stews, soups and applesauce.
  • Eat tender meats or have your meats pureed.
  • Have your fruits and vegetables cut into small pieces.

Preventative care for seniors

While not every age-related oral health concern is entirely preventable, many conditions that become more prevalent with age can be avoided. Consider the following tips for preventative care:

  • Regular brushing and flossing. This isn’t a tip exclusive to seniors; everyone– regardless of age– should brush a minimum of two times a day with a fluoride toothpaste. Additionally, flossing should occur at least once a day.
  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash. Rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash once or twice a day can help prevent the growth of disease-causing micro organisms.
  • Visit the dentist regularly. Even with top-notch at-home care, our teeth and gums still need professional cleanings and check-ups. Be sure to visit the dentist twice a year so that any potential problems can be spotted and treated before they become more serious oral health concerns.

For more information about dental care for seniors, contact us today. You only get one set of permanent teeth; allow us to help you take care of them. We look forward to hearing from you!

Visit your dentist if you have mouth pain, missing teeth, ill-fitting dentures or bridges, or other oral problems.



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